TANIA is an open source farmer's journal to help you
manage your farm business easily by accessing
information you need on-the-go.
To build Tania by yourself, please go to our Github.
Tania is an open source farmer's journal (farm management software, if you will) project hosted on GitHub,
initiated by Tanibox in 2017. Tania's community of dedicated developers, users, farmers, researchers
and agriculture experts made it possible.
To contribute, share knowledge and experiences, you can also join us on:
Thinking about connecting climate sensors and irrigation controllers and be able to run it remotely when you're out-of-town? We have your back. Tania is built for IoT lovers like you!
Extensible modules to help your Tania system meet your needs. You can create your own standard operational procedures that suits to your farm business.
Tania will always be a free and open source software to give you the freedom to manage your farm the way you like it. It's available on GitHub.